Grey Goose Vodka W/Two Glasses 750ml
GREY GOOSE Vodka is a high quality, smooth liquor that you can enjoy on any occasion when you want an exquisitely flavorful experience. This premium vodka alcohol combines the finest ingredients from France and delivers a delicate and floral aroma with a sweet and round palette. At 40% alcohol by volume and inspired by nature, this exquisite vodka is distilled only once to preserve the natural flavors, aromas and that bold, toffee finish. You can add this extraordinary GREY GOOSE Vodka liquor to a number of cocktails, such as a dry Vodka Martini cocktail, Moscow Mule, Vodka Soda or a classic Bloody Mary so you can live like you’re the special occasion. You can also pair this vodka drink with any type of breads, cheeses or fish platters to really add to the tasteful experience. This vodka is gluten free for those who have dietary restrictions but still want to enjoy an effortlessly sophisticated drink. Let the quality speak for itself.
Other Varieties:
Burnett's Vodka 750ml
Ciroc Vodka 750ml
Enjoy Grey Goose Vodka W/Two Glasses gift set with two luxurious glass cups, perfect for sipping or jiggers.